• Sweet Creations 14 Auckland Street in Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand
Sweet Creations 14 Auckland Street in Blenheim, Marlborough, New Zealand


Courier Cakes Collection

About Us

  • Absolutely beautiful wedding cake. Very talented lady! lt looked just like my pictures. Didn't get to taste the lemon cake as guests got into it too quickly. I did, however, completely overindulge in the chocolate mud. UNREAL!! 
- Annabel Gillanders

Absolutely beautiful wedding cake. Very talented lady! lt looked just like my pictures. Didn't get to taste the lemon cake as guests got into it too quickly. I did, however, completely overindulge in the chocolate mud. UNREAL!! 
- Annabel Gillanders

Find us at

14 Auckland Street
Blenheim, Marlborough, NZ

Business hours: By appointment only
